Our Beginnings.

The John W. Buckner Youth Initiative- Our Hands Our Worth mission is to be a collaboration of creative minds to bring about change in the lives of youth nationwide. With the goal of helping develop one’s self-worth. Creating and experiencing the worth of the human hands and to rejoice in the beauty and benefits of one’s worth. There is nothing in life that is done without someone’s hands. John W. Buckner Youth Initiative is built on hard work and determination with an emphasis on music, culinary and horticulture. These three qualities were very important in the life of John W. Buckner. Self-discovery is what makes one who they are, John was such a person of discovery known as a man of God and having a tremendous love for life. Never stopping, always reaching for better.

Who was John W Buckner?

A Chicagoan Born in the fall of 1955, October 7th. A twin to his sister. He grew up in an area called Englewood, went to the neighborhood elementary and high schools moving on as a tradesman. He found the love of music at an early age, favoring the lead guitar as his instrument of choice. Being a young preteen not having money, he started to learn to play with a lefthand guitar which was abandoned in a garage, although he was righthanded, he had to play it upside down as a beginner. Later he would purchase a guitar for a right-handed player. Playing the blues, singing the blues, writing the blues, he was born to sing the blues. He had a mind of his own early in his life. Determined and focused, always racing in his faith, work and caring. Daring to beat the odds of life’s downfalls. Playing lead guitar was his passion and comfort in serving God through the years. Over four plus decades of ministering to his father & children over and over again. He earned the name “Beverly Barbecue” his grill he named Jesse James. He loved to cook great food, and shared it with neighbors, family and friends. The earth soil was his peace. Fulfilling his obligations to his wife, children and family in its entirety. Buck took time out for all young people; he would stop to address a young person with encouragement in their journey from all walks of life. A great storyteller of fiction or nonfiction, Buck was so Hilarious, he always left you laughing, crying with laughter but, yet so serious. He received the highest recognition within the Chicago Police Department and the Mayor’s office of Chicago for his 25 years of service.

“Buck’s” Garden

Buck  was determined to transform his huge yard into a beautiful landscape. This yard was a beast to say the least. It was overwhelming, it was manual labor, a space filled with overgrown weeds and trees. He worked chopping down weeds, cutting down dead trees and feeding brown dead grass. Then the rain came and the weeds sprang back up,  Buck was uncertain about how to contain the weeds for the long haul,

Out of the blue a conversation arose by talking to an experienced gardener, about how nature required a lot of cultivating, just like our lives do. These words were spoken and changed how Buck looked at this mountain of a project. 

It took time and much patience, but eventually Buck began to see the fruits of his labor, red roses were his favorite to plant among many perennials plants. He continued until he had flowering rainbows, through this walk-through garden and front yard which he planted impatiens which hugged the house.

Buck’s flower gardens were the buzz every year, there were several areas of flower gardens to be admired. With anticipation each spring the neighbors waited to capture the essence of his gardens. There is something healing about working in the dirt and breathing in the fresh air while the warmth of the sun falls on your shoulders,

God has a way of giving us peace and tranquility as Buck worked the soil of God’s land. All of his free time when the weather permitted was spent in the garden. Relaxing in nature is a beautiful site watching the living things grow and discovering the creatures each plant attracts fills the heart with wonder and awe.